A big “thank you” to the members who joined or renewed in 2024. The more members we have, the more we can do for the neighborhood. NHHA dues are $400 for the calendar year – for JUST OVER $1 A DAY:

  • MEMBERS have access to the private security patrol which is on duty seven days a week.
  • MEMBERS can call the patrol to report suspicious persons or cars, unwanted solicitors, or an incident at their home.
  • MEMBERS can arrange for the patrol’s Out-of-Town Home Check service when they travel.
  • MEMBERS can have the patrol’s phone number added to their home security company’s contact/call list in case of an incident at their home.
  • MEMBERS will receive Security Snapshot — an update of security/crime incidents in Northwood Hills, and urgent crime alerts as needed
  • MEMBERS receive MemberMail, NHHA’s email communications that provide current information about lost pets, neighborhood issues, code compliance, city services, and important upcoming meetings 
  • MEMBERS enjoy special access to Members-only activities like the Annual Shred Event and Good Neighbor Day

As a new MEMBER, NHHA will provide you ways to improve security and safety at your home:

  • A reflective alley address sign for the back fence or gate
  • A “No Solicitors” plaque to mount near the doorbell
  • A custom-painted, highly visible curb address
  • A custom yard sign that announces your residence is patrolled by armed security and located in a neighborhood with video surveillance

Your membership dues are also an investment in your neighborhood. NHHA contributes to the prestige and beauty of Northwood Hills by maintaining the markers, trees, and plantings on our gateway medians. We install new flowers and plants each year, sponsor alley clean-ups, and help residents with tips and resources to battle bugs. We also put out helpful signs ahead of each bulk trash pick-up to encourage compliance with the city’s regulations. Membership in NHHA benefits us all.

Pay by check to PO Box 800874, Dallas, TX, 75380-0874 OR send via Zelle to membership @ northwoodhills.org OR just click the Pay Dues button to access our secure and convenient online payment site. There are no payment processing fees, unless you feel like being generous and covering them for us! The payment process is quick, and you’ll receive a confirmation email when it’s complete. By paying now, benefits begin immediately and remain active through all of 2025. If you are joining mid-way through the year, dues are pro-rated.

If you are a NEW member or your contact info has changed, also click and fill out the Membership Form.

Please note that contributions to NHHA are not deductible for federal income tax purposes as charitable contributions.