Pay Your NHHA Dues Online 

Payment for: $400 dues through 2025 or $415 to cover the processing fee

Please enter your contact information and then click Secure Checkout.

Dallas, TX

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Validating payment information...
Waiting for PayPal...

If you prefer, you may download the Membership Form and mail your check. You can also send your dues via Zelle to membership @ Paying by check or Zelle incur no payment processing fees and help your dues go even further! To make updates to your contact information, please fill out a membership form.

If you are paying semi-annually or quarterly, please mail payments to:

    1. PO Box 800874
      Dallas, TX 75380-0874

Why online payment is good for YOU, an NHHA member

  • It’s secure. We use PayPal, a well-respected and well-known payment processor. 
  • It’s easy… just a few clicks and you’re done.
  • You’ll receive a confirmation email for your records.
  • You can use any major credit card or your Paypal account.
  • It’s FREE for you! If you want to include a donation to defray a portion of the processing fees, we greatly appreciate that!

Why online payment is good for NHHA

  • The convenience encourages members to pay in full, and pay earlier in the year. This helps us budget more efficiently.
  • Online payments are deposited directly into our bank account, improving cash flow.

Please note that contributions to NHHA are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.