If you prefer you may download the membership application and email or mail to us.
I am a current member confirming my contact informationI am unsure of my membership status; please contact meI am a NEW MEMBER
NHHA dues are $400 for the current calendar year. If paying by check, you may pay the full year, semi-annually, or quarterly. Online payments are accepted for the full year amount.
Cell Phone*
Spouse's Cell Phone
Spouse's Email
Home Phone
Want to get involved? Please check any/all areas of interest and we may contact you when a volunteer opportunity arises:
Security/CrimewatchIndependence Day ParadeBeautificationMembership RecruitmentSpecial Events & ProgrammingMarketing/Public Relations/AdvertisingOther
If you have questions about NHHA membership, benefits or programs, contact membership Membership or our president.