The NHHA Board of Directors is interested in your feedback about our current programs, processes, and potential future improvements. We conducted a survey to help guide us in upcoming planning to lay the groundwork for an even better Northwood Hills neighborhood.
The survey focused on our existing NHHA programs and your satisfaction.
The 5-10 minute survey included:
1) A description of a current program offering, with examples of activities performed in that area. The list of examples will not be exhaustive, but will serve as a basis for forming an opinion. More details about our programs can be found on our website (, in prior Annual Reports, and in newsletters.
2) A request for your opinion about our performance in each existing program.
3) A request for your suggestions on what we should do differently or other services we should offer in each program.
4) An opportunity to rank our benefits in order of importance.
5) A free response section for you to provide general feedback regarding an area we didn’t ask about, or to make a suggestion for a program or activity we should offer.
The survey is now closed.
We really appreciate the time and effort of those residents who took part in helping shape our focus for 2021. We strive to earn your membership and be good stewards of your dues. General survey results will be shared during our Annual Meeting, held in the first quarter of next year.
NHHA Board of Directors