This year’s event will be held on Thursday July 4th from 9am to 11:30am. In the meantime, we need your help ensuring the event will be a success. To offer all the concessions and activities free of charge to our residents, we rely on sponsorships and volunteers. To find out more about what a $400 sponsorship gets your organization or company, please reach out to us. We also accept family donations! Our thanks to the sponsors and donations we have received so far:
- Ready Roofing & Solar
- Melinda Spence, Compass Real Estate
- Willard Cooling, Heating, Plumbing, Electrical
- Leslie Pulaski, Ebby Halliday Realtors
- Craig Henderson, NHHA Member
- Mitra Shamsa, Ebby Halliday Realtors
- Robin Burch, NHHA Member
- The Redpath Team, Allie Beth Allman
- Van Wunnik and Marcum, CPAs
- Traver Construction
We need volunteers for the morning of the 4th, starting as early as 6:30am, for numerous activities including setup, parade registration, judging, handing out concessions, supervising the kids games, and take-down. Please review the volunteer opportunities through this link and sign up if you can pitch in, even for just 30 minutes: Festival Volunteers. We could also use a few coolers, tables, and folding chairs.