Northwood Hills Homeowners Association ☆ P O Box 800874 ☆ Dallas, TX 75380-0874



Want to see what’s happening in Northwood Hills? The Northwood Hills Breeze gets published and mailed to residents about four times per year with tons of useful information including details about new regulations or initiatives from the city, helpful tips related to the particular season we’re in, a community calendar, a real estate report, contact information for Board members, a bulk trash collection schedule, and much more! Local businesses advertise in it as well, which helps to underwrite the cost of the publication and showcases service providers who cater to Northwood Hills. Read our most recent newsletter. To find out about some of our recent projects, check out our blog posts below. To learn more about the benefits of membership, visit the Benefits page.

Interested? Membership runs on a calendar year basis, so join now for 2024 and start enjoying benefits immediately. Dues are $400 for the calendar year, but you can join now at a pro-rated amount. Pay online with Paypal or a credit card, send funds through Zelle to membership @, or mail your check to NHHA, PO Box 800874, Dallas, TX 75380. Thanks for your support!


4th of July sponsors and volunteers needed!

This year’s event will be held on Thursday July 4th from 9am to 11:30am. In the meantime, we need your help ensuring the event will be a success. To offer all the concessions and activities free of charge to our residents, we rely on sponsorships and volunteers. To find out more about what a $400 sponsorship gets your organization or company, please reach out to us. We also accept family donations! Our thanks to the sponsors and donations we have received so far:

We need volunteers for the morning of the 4th, starting as early as 6:30am, for numerous activities including setup, parade registration, judging, handing out concessions, supervising the kids games, and take-down. Please review the volunteer opportunities through this link and sign up if you can pitch in, even for just 30 minutes: Festival Volunteers. We could also use a few coolers, tables, and folding chairs. 

By |June 11th, 2024|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

Paper Shredding and Electronics Recycling Event Sponsors

The Annual Paper Shredding & Electronics Recycling Event is a very popular FREE event for our members. We were able to offer it again this year thanks to our sponsors! If you have the need for a service provider in these areas, please note that these sponsors have invested in our neighborhood!

Leslie Pulaski, Ebby Halliday Realtors – Your Northwood Hills Neighbor & Real Estate Expert

Lower My Texas Property Taxes – fight hard to have your tax value reduced

Ready Roofing & Solar – Providing top quality Dallas roofing services to home and business owners since 1971. 

Melinda Spence, Compass Real Estate – A Remodeled Approach to Real Estate

Hilltop Securities, Inc. – Finding the right path takes experience. 

Alair Homes – Living Better Starts Here

By |April 14th, 2024|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

April 2024 Alley Clean-Up

The first weekend in April is the Annual April Alley Clean-Up. Since Bulk Trash pickup for Northwood Hills begins Monday, April 8, this is the perfect opportunity to tend to your alley and dispose of any brush or debris you clear out. Each homeowner is responsible for maintaining the area from their back property line to the center of the alley. That includes trimming bushes so they don’t scrape cars or obstruct the alley. Trees that overhang the alley are required to be trimmed up 15 feet to allow clearance for garbage collection trucks. If trucks have to maneuver to avoid your branches, trash, or other debris, chances are they will cause damage to your alley in the process! Let’s keep it clean.


By |April 2nd, 2024|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments
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